Sponsor Informatie | TEAM Barrel-Up | Nederland
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We are looking for as many sponsors and supporters as possible for this event. We hope to raise funds through the public through various campaigns. These donations can be made directly on our personal page at the Movember Foundation.


We would like to talk to business sponsors in order to fulfill a mutual package of wishes as well as possible.



Why sponsoring Team Barrel-Up?

  • Low sponsor costs!

  • High payout to charity!

  • Connect your organization to the Movember Foundation Nederland

  • Your logo on our car, website, Facebook, in print a/o on our team clothing!

  • Before, during and after the tour we pay attention to your brand in text, photo a/o video.



We are looking for

  • A Team Barrel-Up Main Sponsor

  • As many Team Barrel-Up Sponsors as possible

  • Sponsor value in cash a/o goods

  • We have developed various ideas that can help you support us, inform!



Have you become enthusiastic?

If you have already become enthusiastic about our initiative and would like to contribute to Team Barrel-Up a/o at the Movember Foundation nl, please send us a message so that we can contact you.



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